Block Unauthorized Sites – FREE

Having trouble keeping your staff productivity up? weloveIT offers a free solution to all its customers for combating unauthorized browsing.

weloveIT offer Category Driven Blocking at the firewall – FREE

  • Adware
    Sites that distribute applications which display advertisements without user’s knowledge or choice. Does NOT include sites which serve advertising.
  • Alcohol
    Sites about alcohol use, commercial and otherwise.
  • Chat
    Sites where you can chat in real-time with groups of people. Includes IRC and video chat sites.
  • Classifieds
    Sites for buying and selling (or bartering) goods and services. Includes sites with real estate and housing listings.
  • Dating
    Sites for meeting other people.
  • Drugs
    Sites about illegal or recreational drug use.
  • File Storage
    Sites that offer space for hosting, sharing and backup of digital files.
  • Gambling
    Sites that offer gambling or information about gambling.
  • Games
    Sites that offer game play and information about games (news, tips, cheat codes).
  • Hate/Discrimination
    Sites that promote intolerance based on gender, age, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or other group identities.
  • Instant Messaging
    Sites that offer access or software to communicate in real-time with other individuals.
  • P2P/File sharing
    Sites that facilitate the sharing of digital files between individuals, especially via peer-to-peer software, including torrent sites.
  • Social Networking
    Sites that promote interaction and networking between people.
  • Video Sharing
    Sites for sharing video content.
  • Visual Search Engines
    Sites for searching for images based on keywords.
  • Weapons
    Sites about weapons, commercial and otherwise.
  • Webmail
    Sites that offer the ability to send or receive email.
  • Photo Sharing
    Sites for sharing photographs, as individual images, galleries and albums.
  • Adult Themes
    Sites that are adult in nature and are not defined in other rating categories. Note: This category should only be turned on if you want to be very restrictive on your network.
  • Tasteless
    Sites that contain information on such subjects as mutilation, torture, horror, or the grotesque. Includes Pro-Anorexia and Pro-Suicide related sites.
  • Lingerie/Bikini
    Sites displaying or dedicated to lingerie/bikini that could be considered adult-only.
  • Proxy/Anonymizer
    Sites providing proxy bypass information or services. Also, sites that allow the user to surf the net anonymously, including sites that allow the user to send anonymous emails.
  • Sexuality
    Sites that provide information, images or implications of bondage, sadism, masochism, fetish, beating, body piercing or self-mutilation. This category is not intended for LGBT related sites that do not fall under the aforementioned criteria.
  • Nudity
    Sites that provide images or representations of nudity.
  • Pornography
    Anything relating to pornography, including mild depiction, soft pornography or hard-core pornography.
  • Forums/Message boards
    Sites with discussions, including bulletin boards, message boards and forums.

Pick the level of access you want in your organization:

Protects against all adult-related sites, illegal activity, social networking sites, video sharing sites, and general time-wasters.

26 categories in this group

Protects against all adult-related sites and illegal activity.

13 categories in this group

Protects against pornography.

4 categories in this group

Nothing blocked.

Choose the categories you want to block.

Contact: / 0114864151 to schedule your site blocker

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