COVID-19 Day 2/21

Our first Saturday shift.

We have split our team into a Buddy System to check in with each other in regular intervals. Today was the first weekend, but it feels like just another day.

Tasks we were able to complete:

  1. Routine maintenance on our remote networks – our customers are working from home and rely on their office infrastructure to continue running. That means notifications and detailed checks need to constantly be done.
  2. Admin – never did i think i would say “Wow, im almost on top of my admin”. During our hectic work weeks admin tends to fall behind in priority but working from home with less distractions means i can focus.
  3. Team check in – planning for Monday or as we call it “Day 4/21”. We have found fun ways to interact via Zoom, Whatsapp and Skype.

As the numbers of confirmed cases continue to rise and the flood of information is at my finger tips it is hard not to peak into the rest of the world. As a small country at the tip of Africa we are just as plugged into the worlds central nervous system and feel the ever growing pressure.

We carry on fighting our good fight to keep our customers business doors open and focusing on the tasks at hand, this takes team work, compassion and care

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